Clear Aligner Experts!
Aligners are not expensive anymore!
Treatment costs are at par with the traditional braces.

Treated Cases
Here are some cases that we have treated using clear aligners.
Check if you have a similar condition.
These patients are happy that they mad a decision to go ahead with the clear aligners as a treatment mode to correct their smile & bite.

Jinal Shah
Jinal had severe crowding in her front teeth and she was successfully treated using Illusion aligners. She needed 25 sets of upper aligners & 18 sets of lower aligners to correct the condition.

Krish Shah
Krish had forwardly placed upper front teeth and he had crowding in his teeth with deep bite. This case needed moderate correction and his condition was treated using Illusion Aligners Pro. He needed 23 sets of upper aligners & 18 sets of lower aligners.

Riddhima Hiremath
Riddhimma who was in 8th standard and had her canines placed out of the arch. Her Condition required moderate correction & we used 30 sets of upper aligners & 15 sets of lower aligners. This case was treated using Illusion Aligners.

Rucha Dhone
Rucha had spaced between her front teeth and she required correction of spaces and bite correction. She had gummy smile too. Her case was treated using Illusion aligners. She Needed 14 sets of upper aligners & 16 sets of lower aligners.

Shravani Bhandari
Shravani had a mild crowding and missing lower right lateral incisor. We treated her crowding and created adequate space to replace the missing tooth with implant. This case was treated using Illusion Aligners & she needed 11 sets of upper aligners & 12 sets of lower aligners to achieve the desired results.

Quinston Pimenta
Quinston had a severe crowding and we had to extract his lower incisor to create space to correct the crowding in his lower front teeth, He was treated using Invisalign & needed 24 sets of aligners.

Munish Visariya
Munish had missing upper lateral incisors and a reverse bite. It means his lower teeth were covering upper teeth and it is a very difficult case to treat even with a normal orthodontics using wires and brackets. We got a very good results with this case using Invisalign. We had to opt for comprehensive package. We could create a space for replacement of missing teeth. The case was treated without surgery.

Vaishnavi Patil
This is a case with moderate crowding & deep bite. This case was treated using Invisalign & we needed 14 sets of aligners to get the desired results.

Chinmayee mannem
Chinmayee had forwardly placed upper and lower front teeth and had lot of spaces between her front teeth. She was treated using Invisalign Moderate Package.

Ishita Shah
Ishita had overlapped front teeth and little correction was needed in her back teeth. She was treated using Invisalign Moderate Package. Treatment results were very exciting.

Juhi Shah
Juhi had spacing between her front teeth and little correction was needed in her back teeth. Her midline was also not matching and teeth visibility was too much. She was treated using Invisalign Moderate Package. Treatment results were very exciting.

Gaurang Shah
Gaurang had proclined upper teeth with deep bite and spacing between his front teeth. He was treated using Invisalign Moderate Package. Treatment results were very exciting.

Mohit Sonsale
Mohit had severely crowded teeth with deep bite. He was treated using Invisalign comprehensive Package. Treatment results were very exciting.

Dnyanesh Nimbalkar
Dnyaneshwar had few missing teeth, with deep & collapsed bite and spacing between his front teeth. He was treated using Invisalign comprehensive Package. Treatment results were very exciting.

Sameer Bhandari
Sameer had spacing between his front teeth with deep & collapsed bite. He was treated using Invisalign comprehensive Package. Treatment results were very exciting.

Sagar Patil
Sagar had forwardly placed front teeth and underdeveloped lower jaw. He was treated using Invisalign comprehensive Package. Treatment results were very exciting.